Tips and Tricks for Making Delicious Homemade Soup
For the past several years, I’ve made it a habit to make a big pot of hearty soup once a week.
Moreover, the main reason is that my husband, Lhom, and I love to eat a good bowl of soup at lunch.
Having become a vegetable soup “expert”, I am now unable to eat canned soup and enjoy real soup in a restaurant.
Importantly, here are the secrets to making a soup that is not too salty, not too runny, nourishing, succulent, and homemade.
It’s such a comforting dish to enjoy during our long winter months or made with fresh vegetables in summer.
In fact, soup offers incredible nutritional value if you put the right ingredients in it.
Vegetables are an important base. The broth is even better if it is homemade. I always add vegetable or animal protein. Seasonings can be as simple as salt and pepper.
How Do You Add Flavor to the Soup?
The vegetables should be sautéed in olive oil first. Cook slowly and for a long time.
How to Proceed?
Fry the chopped vegetables in olive oil. This is an important step not to omit, as it’s what gives the soup its taste.
Then add the broth, proteins, and seasonings. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer for about an hour.
What is a Mirepoix?
This week’s quiz to test your culinary knowledge! It is a French word for a mixture of celery, onion, and carrot, the base of any soup. If you have trouble digesting onions, you can substitute green onions or French shallots.
Which Vegetables to Put in Your Soup?
Ideas for vegetables to put in your soup:
- onion, leek
- shallot
- carrot
- celery
- parsnip
- pumpkin
- butternut squash
- spinach
- zucchini
- fresh or canned tomato
- turnip
- asparagus
- bell pepper
- Swiss chard
- cabbage
- kale
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- mushroom
- lettuce
- sweet potato
- potato
Potatoes will thicken your cream soup.
If you spilled your salt shaker in the soup, add a potato and let it simmer. The potato will absorb the salt.
You can also add fruit like oranges. This makes a good combination with the carrots.

We prefer broths without salt. If you are vegetarian, use a vegetable broth.
To make homemade chicken broth, debone your chicken. Put all the bones in a large pot. Fill it with water and boil until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain through a sieve. Refrigerate the broth; when the fat has set, remove it.
You can also make beef broth with a large beef bone using the same process as chicken broth.
Protein and Other Ingredients
Which proteins to put in your soup?
Pieces of chicken, beef, or any other meat, legumes, or edamame.
I often use coral lentils. If you have children who won’t eat legumes, here’s a tip: Put them in a blender before adding them to your soup. Legumes, not kids!
You can also add quinoa, millet, buckwheat, or noodles of any shape (the alphabet ones are fun for kids).
Salt and pepper are the basics.
All herbs and spices: basil, rosemary, parsley, coriander, savory, tarragon, oregano, bay leaf, thyme, marjoram, sage, chives, chervil, turmeric, curry, garlic or garlic flower, etc. But not all together! Experiment and write down your favorites.
I recently discovered that red curry paste adds a lot of flavor to the soup. I use about half a teaspoon of it. More if you like it spicy!
Les herbes salées du Bas-du-Fleuve are a savory seasoning from Quebec. It is a mixture of celery, onion, salt, carrot, parsley, chervil, savory, leek, chives, and spinach.
For a little extra, add nuts of all kinds, milk foam, beer yeast flakes, or a mixture of olive oil, pepper, and curry.
As well as adding flavor, this will add a touch of visual whimsy to your dish.
Bon appétit!

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