Rachel from Jasperden’s Health asked me to participate in the “Behind the Blogger” challenge. I accepted because the benefit to my readers will be to discover other attractive blogs. Olivia Lucie Blake is the one who started this challenge. I invite you to visit these other blogs to discover all sorts of interesting things.
Behind the Blogger challenge
To respect the challenge’s rules, I should present four facts that my audience does not know about me and invite other bloggers to participate.
You may wonder why I agreed to write about such a light topic when the planet is burning with another wave of Covid. Again.
I find this topic too narcissistic but I did it anyway.
I know you don’t give a shit about the colour of my lipsticks or my opinion on cinnamon.
But sometimes, in difficult times, it’s good for our mental health to take our minds off things. Talk about some unimportant subjects and have fun.

Without further ado, here are some fun facts about me. I’m sure this will spark some heated discussions in your homes. Ah! Ah! Trying to be ironic, here.
My friends and family often tease me. I have chosen to reveal to you these little things. I will be at your mercy and, you can make fun of me too. But, it’s alright since I have a good sense of self-mockery.
The shy girl
I am a shy and introverted person who is more comfortable with my computer and books than with people. I have trouble speaking in public.
It makes me suffer from the impostor syndrome and the purpose of this blog is to help me correct that.
Lhom, my husband, teases me about it. He doesn’t believe or understand my struggle to go to a simple cocktail party. And my sister tells me that a glass or two of merlot cures everything.
I hate going to the dentist
When I was a kid, my dentist would not anesthetize me before practicing a teeth reparation. He would tell me: “If it hurts, scream.” Guess what I did?
He learned when he was in the army, so he worked fast. I wasn’t as brave as a soldier.
Now, I brush and floss my teeth like a maniac. So, I don’t need to have dental work done.
I am sure that I am not alone.
I execrate cinnamon in apple pie. It has become an inside joke in the family. But maybe my readers have guessed that because there is never cinnamon in my recipes.
Contrary to what many people think, my opinion is that apples and cinnamon do not taste good together. I can detect the slightest bit of cinnamon in a pie.
However, I love cinnamon buns.
The lipsticks
Lipstick, I love lipstick. I have the dull complexion of people with blond chestnut hair. Putting colour on my lips is a good way to brighten my face. Otherwise, I looked tired.
I like their poetic names: Love that red, Certainly red, Cherries on snow, Gentlemen prefer pink.
There are at least two lipsticks in my purse, in case of emergency.

I would like to challenge:
Isabelle from Les chroniques d’une jardinière ordinaire.
Josée from Des mots et des images
Helena from Helena my beauty over blog
Christine from Des roulettes sous les pieds
It would be fascinating to have them participate because Josée and Isabelle are from Quebec, Helena lives in Finland and Christine in France.
If you want to read more about Brittany's Brexit adventures
This challenge is popular in blogs from the UK. I would love this challenge to go around the world and introduce you to blogs from many countries. That would be fun.
Here are some questions to have a serious discussion with your loved ones this weekend. I see you, around a coffee, or with an aperitif in hand, discussing fervently!
Does your lipstick have a romantic name? How do you feel at the dentist’s? For or against cinnamon?
Thank you for your time and for reading. Don’t hesitate to leave me a note, I love reading your comments.
Super, j’ai hâte de lire ça! Bon week-end Helena.
Coucou ma belle!
Superbe challenge et ravie d’en savoir plus sur toi !
Merci pour le tag et je reviens très bientôt avec un article pour répondre à votre invitation !
Bon weekend!
J’ai hâte d’en apprendre plus sur toi! Mon week-end Isabelle.
C’est intéressant d’en savoir plus sur toi, comme ça!
Bonne fin de semaine
Tu lances de grands débats!
Je suis contre la cannelle. Je suis aussi plus persil que coriandre . Plus café que thé. Plus ski alpin que ski de fond.
Yes! C’est ça l’idée! Mais tu n’as pas dit si tu es pour ou contre la cannelle.
Moi c’est ta photo que j’aime !
J’adore tout ton bla-bla-bla
Ça me fait tellement du bien
So we have a lot in common. Have a nice weekend!
Merci Caroline. Bon week-end!
Many thanks for participating.
I’m an introvert and detest parties, too. Though, I used to love them when I was younger.
I’d love to wear red lipstick but that colour doesn’t suit me. I tend to wear nude or pink colours.
I used to not mind going to the dentist until I developed gum disease. Now, I’m a bit nervous that they’re going to hurt me!
Hahaha. J’adore ce défi. 4 faits non-connus. Je suis de ceux qui pensent que de détails peuvent révéler beaucoup de choses d’une personne. Merci Francine pour ton blog et ce ton si sympathique.