The love letter
How to express your feelings towards your lover, whether on Valentine’s Day or any other time of year? May I suggest the love letter? What could be more romantic than giving a passionate handwritten missive? It will be more ardent than a text message.
Since I am a woman, I write this article for the female gender, but the advice can apply to men.
Are you petrified in front of the blank page? Is your pencil paralyzed in front of that card with hearts on it? Follow these five easy steps, and you will charm your lover. Maybe you will even bring tears to his eyes.
1-Make a draft
Take a sheet of paper to make a draft and perform a brainstorming session. Never write directly on your card or the sheet of paper on which you will transcribe your ultimate message.
Write everything you like about him. Remember why or how you fell in love?
List all his qualities. Apart from leaving his smelly socks lying around, he must have good attributes.
Find quotations or love poems. Even if it has quotes marks and you cite the author, it will stir up emotions. He will appreciate that these words evoke your love story.
Link for some famous love letter.
Remind him of a humorous moment from your romantic history.
Tell him what you appreciate about his body.

3-Make Rhymes
Continue in draft mode and choose some words from your brainstorming inventory. Prepare a list of nouns that end with the same sound, regardless of their meaning. Let go, even if some words are unrelated. It can give you new ideas.
Continue in draft mode and put ideas together. Classify them. Do not hesitate and select intense words. Let all your love spill out onto the sheet of paper.
Select a card or simply a beautiful sheet of paper and transcribe it with your best handwriting. Always end with I love you or love. You sign with your naughty nickname. Create one if he did not give you one.
The complete package
You can scent your envelope or put a red or pink lip print on it. You can send it in the mail. That is always pleasant to receive something other than bills.
Do you prefer the option of hand-delivering it after you have made yourself beautiful? You will get to see the emotion on his face when he reads your words!
Let’s go, you can do it!
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