February is a month when you may be experiencing a drop in energy. You are feeling the weariness of winter, the holiday season is over, and you are dreaming of spring. A few activities chase away the blues and spice up your winter.
1- Listen to the Superbowl
You’re not a football fan, but that’s okay. It’s a time to party, cook or do something with friends.
Listen to this short video of Tom Brady, a famous quarterback who broke several records. It may convince you to watch the game. He is so handsome. Unfortunately, his team will not be participating in the Superbowl in 2023.
Come on, let’s put aside our computers, tablets and cell phones and go play outside.
If you’re lucky enough like me to live in a northern country, look for a place where you can go hiking in the woods. You take ski poles with you and can say that you enjoy a new sport: Nordic walking!
Good for your health and morale. You will feel invigorated afterwards.
3- Practicing hygge in february
Here is the definition from Wikipedia:
“Hygge (pronounced [y.ɡœ]) is a word of Danish and Norwegian origins referring to a sense of well-being, a cheerful mood, and a warm, intimate atmosphere. Hygge is a positive state of mind provided by a moment that is considered comforting, pleasant and friendly.”
This term is Danish and is hard to translate into other languages.
We could say that in Quebec, we call it cocooning.
For the Danes, it is not only a state of mind, a simple evening with friends. That is a way of life. They decorate their homes with that philosophy and arrange their life and meals.
During the week, when we go to work, we are not always very motivated. And in February, at the end of the winter, we are often a little blasé. A trick from my sister-in-law (another one, not the one quoted in Christmas Sweets and Holiday Magic).
You may only be able to use this trick next year but try to remember it. When you go shopping, in the fall, for your winter clothes, plan a piece that you will reserve. Yes, you got it right, you won’t wear it at all from winter.
And in February, when you’re having a little melancholy attack or at the time of your choice, you do it. You’ll pull out your jacket, scarf, shirt or vest that you’ve been saving. It will be your sunshine of the day. Try it on, and let me know how it goes.
5- Quebec City Carnival
You are welcome to visit us in Quebec City! In February, it’s the Quebec Winter Carnival. There are many activities. Family, outdoors, music, nightlife, and epicureans are the different themes of these activities.
Bring warm clothes because, in Quebec City, it’s freezing. You must dress like an onion, that is to note, with several layers. For those who live far away, have you ever walked in the snow when it is polar cold? The snow makes noise under our steps.
And, if it’s cold enough, you will have to feel your nostrils sticking together! Ah! Ah! I don’t wish you that.
Here in Quebec, we have two springs. The first is ugly and sad. Here are some pictures of the early spring in our area.
As you can see, the beautiful snow of Christmas, white, flaky and romantic as one could wish, becomes a horror at the end of March and April. Winter is black, white, long, and icy. Seasons in-between are almost as painful. That’s what makes us such fantastic people!
Here is why
First, we have an incredible sense of humour. The comedy industry is thriving in Quebec. Well, at least before the pandemic.
This ability has developed into a keen talent for self-deprecation.
Denmark has a reputation for Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) and Quebec for Ah! Ah !
Bon vivant
The other thing that defines us is our epicurean side.
Often in Quebec, the second spring appears by magic.
One morning, we wake up, and the heat and the sun burst. Spring emerges with daisies, daffodils, bright sunshine, and birds chirping.
The typical Quebecois gets out from his hibernation, wakes up like Mother Nature, and goes crazy.
He takes out the barbecue, starts the pool, mows the lawn, drinks beer or wine in a terrace café, rides his bike or convertible, and plants flowers. The Quebecois want to do everything. He must enjoy every drop of this radiant and rare sunshine.
Which picture is the most beautiful?
The third feature is that we have strong morale.
You know the principle of mental toughness. We must get through these temperatures. Learn to look at life positively and focus on beautiful things.
That’s what I want to show you in these photos.
We learn to reframe.
Justin Cox has posted a newsletter asking how we will beat the summer heat. He lives in Orlando, Florida and has to resign staying in his air-conditioned home to protect himself from the heat wave.
In Quebec, it’s the opposite
Summer is the season when we enjoy the outdoors. Winter is so cold here, so it obliges us to stay in our warm homes. My husband and I are avid downhill skiers, cross-country skiers and Nordic walkers, yet we have to limit our outdoor activities because of the cold. When the thermometer reads minus thirty Celsius outsides, we appreciate the warmth of our fireplace.
From May to September, however, even when we finished our sports training, we spent as much time as possible outside. We read and eat in our garden when the weather permits.
Our experience is the opposite of Justin Cox’s. We stay cooped up in the winter and outside in the summer. Even though we both live in the northern hemisphere, we live thousands of miles away.
My answer
In answer to Mr. Cox’s question, I plan to
As for all Quebecois, summer represents to me the joy of living and the time of festivities. After the long winter months, we want to make the most of this heat, which, I must admit, is not as overwhelming as in Florida. And we visit the Sunshine State in our first spring!
Final thoughts
The moral of this story is that no matter where you live in the world, the most important thing is to have sunshine in your heart. And regardless of the season!
What about you? How do you experience spring or summer?
You don’t have to be an economist to see inflation all around you. All costs have gone up, groceries, gasoline, clothing and other good.
In addition, we can see the effects of climate change in our daily lives. For the past few years, temperature variations have surprised us. Storms are multiplying in virulence, and the melting of the ice at the North Pole is in the news.
We must not let ourselves be overwhelmed by discouragement.
My sister, an eco-responsibility fanatic, tells me that every gesture counts.
These reasons motivate me to rack my brain to spend less and try not to waste. We can take the example of the habits of our parents and grandparents who lived during the war. Out of necessity, they developed ways to save.
I hope to inspire you with these three small actions out of the ordinary.
Saving money to help the planet
Those who follow my blog know that I am a lipstick fanatic. It’s my go-to for moisturizing my lips and looking less tired. A brush designed to apply this makeup product allows you to use a smaller amount. You can also go to the bottom of the tube to use the whole stick.
Recycle to help the planet
I always end up breaking the lids off my teapots. Instead of getting rid of them, I try to find a way to recover them. Here is my latest find.
I made a bird feeder out of this teapot. A good ball of absorbent cotton in the spout keeps the seeds from falling. I used a clip in the handle and hung it on a hook.
And it works, I saw birds pecking at the offered seeds, but I have yet to catch a photo of them in action.
Another example of recovery comes from my mother-in-law.
Recycle a plastic net by placing several solid soap scraps inside. We tie the whole with a clasp of a bread bag. And we can wash our hands with this new soap that allows us to use the small pieces of soap easily.
Utilize to help the planet
I find that tomato paste wins the worst food waste contest. Recipes that use this ingredient only require a small amount. We’re stuck with leftovers even if we buy the smallest can. Here is my list of dish ideas that include tomato paste. Plan several recipes that contain it in the same week.
Another trick is to use tomato paste tubes because they contain less than cans.
Final thoughts
Do you find these ideas irrelevant or insignificant? Tell yourself that if we try to apply this to all our daily habits, it will eventually count. Having this reflex for each of our actions must be developed.
Planning and organization is another secret to recycling, saving and avoiding waste.
Do you miss motivation? Imagine if the lack of supply’s products increases, perhaps we will find it difficult to obtain essential goods.
Let’s face it! How catastrophic a shortage of lipstick would be in our lives! Ah! Ah!
I invite you to share your ideas and healthy habits in the comments. Together, we can change the disposable culture and help the planet.
February February is a month when you may be experiencing a drop in energy. You are feeling the weariness of winter, the holiday season is over, and you are dreaming of spring. A few activities chase away the blues and spice up your winter. 1- Listen to the...
My Two Springtimes Here in Quebec, we have two springs. The first is ugly and sad. Here are some pictures of the early spring in our area.As you can see, the beautiful snow of Christmas, white, flaky and romantic as one could wish, becomes a horror at the end...
Inflation and climate change You don’t have to be an economist to see inflation all around you. All costs have gone up, groceries, gasoline, clothing and other good. In addition, we can see the effects of climate change in our daily lives. For the past few years,...
Rachel from Jasperden’s Health asked me to participate in the “Behind the Blogger” challenge. I accepted because the benefit to my readers will be to discover other attractive blogs. Olivia Lucie Blake is the one who started this challenge. I invite you to visit these other blogs to discover all sorts of interesting things.
Behind the Blogger challenge
To respect the challenge’s rules, I should present four facts that my audience does not know about me and invite other bloggers to participate.
You may wonder why I agreed to write about such a light topic when the planet is burning with another wave of Covid. Again.
I find this topic too narcissistic but I did it anyway.
I know you don’t give a shit about the colour of my lipsticks or my opinion on cinnamon.
But sometimes, in difficult times, it’s good for our mental health to take our minds off things. Talk about some unimportant subjects and have fun.
Without further ado, here are some fun facts about me. I’m sure this will spark some heated discussions in your homes. Ah! Ah! Trying to be ironic, here.
My friends and family often tease me. I have chosen to reveal to you these little things. I will be at your mercy and, you can make fun of me too. But, it’s alright since I have a good sense of self-mockery.
The shy girl
I am a shy and introverted person who is more comfortable with my computer and books than with people. I have trouble speaking in public.
It makes me suffer from the impostor syndrome and the purpose of this blog is to help me correct that.
Lhom, my husband, teases me about it. He doesn’t believe or understand my struggle to go to a simple cocktail party. And my sister tells me that a glass or two of merlot cures everything.
I hate going to the dentist
When I was a kid, my dentist would not anesthetize me before practicing a teeth reparation. He would tell me: “If it hurts, scream.” Guess what I did?
He learned when he was in the army, so he worked fast. I wasn’t as brave as a soldier.
Now, I brush and floss my teeth like a maniac. So, I don’t need to have dental work done.
I am sure that I am not alone.
I execrate cinnamon in apple pie. It has become an inside joke in the family. But maybe my readers have guessed that because there is never cinnamon in my recipes.
Contrary to what many people think, my opinion is that apples and cinnamon do not taste good together. I can detect the slightest bit of cinnamon in a pie.
However, I love cinnamon buns.
The lipsticks
Lipstick, I love lipstick. I have the dull complexion of people with blond chestnut hair. Putting colour on my lips is a good way to brighten my face. Otherwise, I looked tired.
I like their poetic names: Love that red, Certainly red, Cherries on snow, Gentlemen prefer pink.
There are at least two lipsticks in my purse, in case of emergency.
This challenge is popular in blogs from the UK. I would love this challenge to go around the world and introduce you to blogs from many countries. That would be fun.
Here are some questions to have a serious discussion with your loved ones this weekend. I see you, around a coffee, or with an aperitif in hand, discussing fervently! Does your lipstick have a romantic name? How do you feel at the dentist’s? For or against cinnamon?
Thank you for your time and for reading. Don’t hesitate to leave me a note, I love reading your comments.
The secret to stress-free entertaining is planning. The best way to do this is to make a comprehensive list of things to do and schedule them on your calendar.
You’ll also want to check the hours of operation of the businesses where you’ve ordered.
Have someone other than you do last-minute shopping if possible. It would be disappointing to hit your nose on the door at the baker who made your yule log.
Mark your schedule for when to take certain things out of the freezer.
Confirm arrival times with your guests.
Ask for and accept aid
For the holidays, the key to having fun is working together as a team. Tell the kids that they are to be the elves who help mom!
And if the sister-in-law offers to bring dessert, we’ll accept! But remember to stay in control of your kitchen. If the room turns into a mess and that gives you more work to do, we’re no better off.
Have a strategic plan
When setting the menu, don’t forget your budget. How many guests will you host? Is anyone have food allergies? Simplicity is an important key. It’s possible to have a festive, easy prep, ahead-of-time dish. Try to cook everything, or almost, before the day of the party. Putting colour to a plate will give a Christmassy look. Add touch with basilic leaves, cherry tomato, cranberry, olive. Green and red are holiday colours.
Check your cooking times to ensure no temperature conflicts and only one oven!
If you’re entertaining a smaller number of people, you can have a more elaborate meal. Yet, save the gastronomic experiments that need impressive skill for another time. You want to make great memories. You don’t desire family and friends to remember for years how you messed up this recipe on Christmas Eve 2021.
For a large group, consider having a simmered dish. Or plan a meal that doesn’t need too much last-minute manipulation.
You’ll also want to get all the dishes and serving utensils out in advance. Climbing on a chair to rummage through the top of your cabinets in your sexy little dress is not ideal. And it will avoid the nasty comments from those who are starting to get tipsy!
Divide the tasks between the elves
On the morning of the big day, make the cooking schedule for each food as detailed as possible. We want everything to be in sync.
Place cold drinks in the refrigerator and prepare ice cubes.
We plan to put more toilet paper in the bathroom.
We decide who will shovel the entrance so we can be welcoming.
I recently read an article by Tim Denning on medium.com, and I suggest you read it. This text is a response to his writings.
As an introduction, I would like to say that I am a baby boomer. And I love avocado toast!
Raw Fish and Baby-Boomers
If someone had told me forty years ago that I would eat raw fish one day and that I would like it, I would have said: over my dead body! Yet today, I eat and love sushi.
Life is not just about breathing. It’s also about being breathless.
Alfred Hitchcock
Sir Alfred Hitchcock, according to Wikipedia, “was a British film director, screenwriter and producer, naturalized American in 1955, born August 13, 1899, in Leytonstone, London, and died April 29, 1980, in Bel Air, Los Angeles.”
I love this quote from Alfred Hitchcock! And when do I get breathless? It happens when I discover or admire a new landscape. And it often happens when I travel.
I have a memory from a visit to California. We were driving on a highway with an incredible view of the sea. The ocean was at the end of a cliff. The coastline was interrupted so abruptly that I was impressed. The panorama was so splendid that our eyes could not detach from it.
Torrey Pines State Reserve
On this same tour, we visit Torrey Pines State Reserve, near the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. During our hike, we met a rattlesnake that was zigzagging through its natural environment. Quietly and perfectly unaware of our presence. Oh! I was so happy with its carefree attitude, as I fear snakes. We are used to watching so many things on television or in videos. And at times, I think we tend to forget the thrill of an experience in the “present” reality. Watching it in real life, that snake, experiencing it, impressed me to the point that here I am, years later, telling you about it.
Grouse Mountain
Another time, we travelled to Western Canada for vacation. And I couldn’t see when I would finally arrive in Vancouver to rest and visit this wonderful place with my family. That was a challenging year, personally and professionally. I have a vivid memory of that first day. I was sitting drinking my coffee and watching Grouse Mountain.
And, in my head, I spoke to the mountain! « Grouse Mountain, you can’t know how happy I am to admire you this morning. »
I had asked my husband to pinch me. I was so enjoying the moment. That breakfast on that sunny terrace with him and my two daughters filled me up.
It is like that for me, having your breath taken away. It is not necessarily listening to an Alfred Hitchcock production! Maybe Mr. Hitchcock was talking about that fear in the stomach that you feel when you watch his movies or read Stephen King books.
There are many different ways to be scared out of your wits.
How about you? What takes your breath away?
Here is a picture of Lhom, my husband. It is a landscape that took his breath away.
These days, I have difficulty finding inspiration, so I decided to listen to a movie. Some people will say it’s procrastination, but consuming culture makes me feel like writing. A muse tickles my fingers when I visit a museum, read a novel or listen to good music. And Ankit Singh suggests just that in his article on medium.com: How to write when you don’t feel like it at all.
I settled down that morning to watch the movie: Florence Foster Jenkins with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. I sat in my living room, but instead of having a dish full of popcorn, I had a notebook and a pencil with me. In case a muse visits me while viewing.
You know, from reading my article on Michelle Obama’s book Becoming,I’m not a musician. I like music, but I don’t understand it from a technical point of view. Despite this, I can attest that Florence Foster Jenkins was singing in an abominable way.
According to the same site, Florence Foster Jenkins “is an American socialite and amateur soprano who became known, and mocked, for her flamboyant performance costumes and notably poor singing ability.”
The picture with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant reveals that Florence contracted syphilis, at the age of eighteen, from her husband during their honeymoon. She lived to be seventy-six. In the movie, a doctor who had examined her remarked that he had never seen this, someone who had survived this disease for more than fifty years.
A rich and generous woman
Florence was a rich heiress who had no children. After her divorce, she had a platonic relationship with her agent, St-Clair Bayfield, who protected her from bad reviews throughout her career.
She would have liked to be a pianist, but her illness prevented her from doing so. She had a scar on her left hand with damaged nerves.
At the end of her life, she sang in front of a packed public room at Carnegie Hall. This happened in 1944 and she had offered a thousand free tickets to soldiers of the Second World War. She entertained them, but maybe not in the way she wanted. They believed in comedy.
Carnegie Hall 2021 photo credit Kit4
This movie raises questions
In any case, she did not suffer from imposter syndrome!
How do we define success?
By being rich, can you afford anything, including a performance at Carnegie Hall?
Can we live our artistic fantasies if we are our own patrons?
Is deluding yourself good for your health?
Or is it more the practice of art that helps to survive a serious illness?
Final thought
Her career is a striking example of the superficial values that prevailed in some groups of rich New York society at the time. To some extent, with her knowledge of musical art, Foster Jenkins had to understand that she was not the best soprano in the world. Her love of singing makes her perseverate and certainly the pleasure she took from this activity.
She demonstrated courage and generosity as she walked up to Carnegie Hall.
Mrs. Foster Jenkins despite her lack of talent was unique. She sang for about thirty years. Two films were made about her story. Her deep humanity moves us. And that’s why we’re still talking about her today.
I can tell you that listening to this movie touched me and I admire this bad soprano for her courage and unbeatable perseverance.
On her deathbed, she said: “It will be possible to say of me that I did not know how to sing, but it will never be possible to say that I did not sing.”
Is it Florence Foster Jenkins or Meryl Streep’s performance that managed to untie my fingers?
How to express your feelings towards your lover, whether on Valentine’s Day or any other time of year? May I suggest the love letter? What could be more romantic than giving a passionate handwritten missive? It will be more ardent than a text message.
Since I am a woman, I write this article for the female gender, but the advice can apply to men.
Are you petrified in front of the blank page? Is your pencil paralyzed in front of that card with hearts on it? Follow these five easy steps, and you will charm your lover. Maybe you will even bring tears to his eyes.
1-Make a draft
Take a sheet of paper to make a draft and perform a brainstorming session. Never write directly on your card or the sheet of paper on which you will transcribe your ultimate message.
Write everything you like about him. Remember why or how you fell in love?
List all his qualities. Apart from leaving his smelly socks lying around, he must have good attributes.
Find quotations or love poems. Even if it has quotes marks and you cite the author, it will stir up emotions. He will appreciate that these words evoke your love story.
Remind him of a humorous moment from your romantic history.
Tell him what you appreciate about his body.
3-Make Rhymes
Continue in draft mode and choose some words from your brainstorming inventory. Prepare a list of nouns that end with the same sound, regardless of their meaning. Let go, even if some words are unrelated. It can give you new ideas.
Continue in draft mode and put ideas together. Classify them. Do not hesitate and select intense words. Let all your love spill out onto the sheet of paper.
Select a card or simply a beautiful sheet of paper and transcribe it with your best handwriting. Always end with I love you or love. You sign with your naughty nickname. Create one if he did not give you one.
The complete package
You can scent your envelope or put a red or pink lip print on it. You can send it in the mail. That is always pleasant to receive something other than bills.
Do you prefer the option of hand-delivering it after you have made yourself beautiful? You will get to see the emotion on his face when he reads your words!
Let’s go, you can do it!
Subscribe to receive my latest publication. You will find it in your email Saturday morning so you can read it while sipping your coffee.
February February is a month when you may be experiencing a drop in energy. You are feeling the weariness of winter, the holiday season is over, and you are dreaming of spring. A few activities chase away the blues and spice up your winter. 1- Listen to the...
My Two Springtimes Here in Quebec, we have two springs. The first is ugly and sad. Here are some pictures of the early spring in our area.As you can see, the beautiful snow of Christmas, white, flaky and romantic as one could wish, becomes a horror at the end...
Inflation and climate change You don’t have to be an economist to see inflation all around you. All costs have gone up, groceries, gasoline, clothing and other good. In addition, we can see the effects of climate change in our daily lives. For the past few years,...
Rachel from Jasperden’s Health asked me to participate in the “Behind the Blogger” challenge. I accepted because the benefit to my readers will be to discover other attractive blogs. Olivia Lucie Blake is the one who started this challenge. I invite you to visit these other blogs to discover all sorts of interesting things.
Planning for the holiday The secret to stress-free entertaining is planning. The best way to do this is to make a comprehensive list of things to do and schedule them on your calendar. You’ll also want to check the hours of operation of the businesses where you’ve...
Tim Denning and the Millennials I recently read an article by Tim Denning on medium.com, and I suggest you read it. This text is a response to his writings. As an introduction, I would like to say that I am a baby boomer. And I love avocado toast! Raw Fish and...
A quote from Alfred HitchcockLife is not just about breathing. It’s also about being breathless. Alfred HitchcockSir Alfred Hitchcock, according to Wikipedia, “was a British film director, screenwriter and producer, naturalized American in 1955, born August 13, 1899,...
How a bad singer got me out of my writing block These days, I have difficulty finding inspiration, so I decided to listen to a movie. Some people will say it’s procrastination, but consuming culture makes me feel like writing. A muse tickles my fingers when I visit a...
The love letter How to express your feelings towards your lover, whether on Valentine's Day or any other time of year? May I suggest the love letter? What could be more romantic than giving a passionate handwritten missive? It will be more ardent than a text message....
Now page? Most websites have an About link. That leads to a page that introduces us to the person or the company operating the site. They have a Contact link. It is a page telling us how to contact the person or the company. If you want to transmit the present passion...
Most websites have an About link. That leads to a page that introduces us to the person or the company operating the site.
They have a Contact link. It is a page telling us how to contact the person or the company.
If you want to transmit the present passion of your life, a now page on your website is what you need.
Examples of a now page
To see examples, go to: nownownow.com. It’s a site where all the people who have created a now page on their site gathered. If you scroll through the photos, you will find me with the same avatar as the one in my blog.
On a now page, we explain what interests us at this present moment in our personal, professional life or both. It’s a bit like what we would say to a friend who we’ve seen for a long time.
According to Derek Sivers, such a page is helpful because people visiting our site want to know more about us. It’s not a social network or an advertising site. It’s not a company.
Navigating nownownow.com gives us a glimpse of what people are experiencing and what they’re interested in presently. When we have a website, we can promote it through Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. But we’re vulnerable to the algorithm changes of these giant companies and, we have no control.
I have been blogging for almost three years. A way to develop my blog is to improve relationships with my audience. Find out who they are, and interact with them. And the now page is a good way for them to know what’s going on in my life.
When I browse different blogs myself, I realized I always look at who is behind the site.
I have had my now page since 2020. I don’t promise to update it daily, but regularly. I invite you to visit this page: now page of Phrenssynnes.
Tips and Tricks for Making Delicious Homemade Soup For the past several years, I’ve made it a habit to make a big pot of hearty soup once a week. Moreover, the main reason is that my husband, Lhom, and I love to eat a good bowl of soup at lunch. Having become a...
Clafoutis Clafoutis is a light and quick dessert to make that I love. A clafoutis is a cake made with chopped cherries and covered with a custard-like mixture. It is also often made with plums. I let my creativity go and used berries. For this recipe, I used frozen...
February February is a month when you may be experiencing a drop in energy. You are feeling the weariness of winter, the holiday season is over, and you are dreaming of spring. A few activities chase away the blues and spice up your winter. 1- Listen to the...
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